FileIt Error Message and the Office Save As Feature

In TrialWorks Tips by trialworks


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Received an error message when using FileIt recently?

Wondering why a document in your list didn’t or won’t file?

First, if the document you are trying to transfer into a matter is open, it won’t transfer.

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Code all documents you wish to transfer into a client matter by selecting the Case Name &
appropriate tab.

Once you have coded all files to transfer, make sure that any documents in your scan folder are closed.

Once closed, click ‘Transfer Files.’

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No files remain in FileIt, and the transfer is completed.

Check the tab in TrialWorks to be sure!


Working in Microsoft Office and want to file a document?

FileIt is no longer the only choice! Skip FileIt and transfer the document right from Microsoft Office!

Here’s how:

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Click the ‘File’ menu in Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint

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Click on “Save As in TrialWorks.”

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A menu to save the file will appear.

Like FileIt, Case Name & Tab are required fields to save the file into TrialWorks. We do recommend the use of document categories & adding the designated party. All fields are searchable and filterable for an extra way to searching for the file later!

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File Name: The File Name will default to ‘Document1.’ Name the file here.

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Save as type: The document type will default. Use the drop-down to select a different file format.

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Case Name: Begin to type and this field will self populate, or, click the drop-down to scroll through the TrialWorks Case List.

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Case Name: Click the Funnel icon to filter the case list. Any defaults previously set will apply.

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Tab: Select the tab in TrialWorks.

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Category: Select the appropriate document category.

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Author: The author will default to your user defined TrialWorks defaults. Click the drop-down here to select another users.

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Party: Select the party to which the file is on behalf off. Party pulls from the ‘Client’ and ‘Other Parties’ tabs.

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Click to ‘File to TrialWorks’ to transfer and save the file.

Please keep in mind, this feature was added to the Microsoft® Office Suite, including Word, Excel and PowerPoint, when TrialWorks released Version 10.7.


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