Case Matter Reports with TrialWorks

In TrialWorks Tips by trialworks

Need something to hand the attorney as he’s walking out the door?

Use the following report for a detailed, general overview of a specific case.


Click ‘Current Case’ from the Home Ribbon


From the Current case tab, Click on ‘Case Report.’


This Case Report will feature the all of the client’s information.

Each client will have their own dedicated page of contact details, case facts, listed injuries, notes, case matter details, any listed referrals, and account/fee information.

Print, Email, or convert the report to PDF, Word or Excel from the Print Preview Screen.

For a better look, view a PDF version of the full report by clicking here.

Looking for more detail? Try the Case Status Report


Click ‘Current Case’ from the Home Ribbon.


Click on ‘Case Status Report’ for a more in-depth case overview.


Enter the number of days of activity you wish to see on the report.




Select Yes or No to include docket entries, production tracker information, or e-mail’s to the report.


This report will include the client information with detailed notes, injuries and case facts. It will also provide an activity log based on the included information and time frame you selected.

Print, Email, or convert the report to PDF, Word or Excel from the Print Preview Screen.

To see the full three page report, click here.

Looking for the report that covers everything client and case related?


Click ‘Reports’ from the Home Ribbon.


Under the Report menu, click on ‘Case,’ scroll to ‘Overview,’ and select ‘Detailed Case Summary Report.’


Select the case using the drop-down. The case will default to the case you are currently in.

Click ‘Preview Report.’


This report is an overall review of the case. It includes a detailed case summary including the matter information, the case’s status, a clients insurance information, defendant information, any liens or negotiations, the experts assigned to the case, and the open cost balance.

Check out the details of this report by clicking here.

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