Using TrialWorks Custom Reports to Mail Merge

In TrialWorks Tips by trialworks

Getting ready to send Holiday cards out to your clients?
Want to print all of the labels at once?
Create a quick list of clients using TrialWorks Custom Reports!
Click ‘Reports’ from the Home Ribbon
Click on ‘Report Writer’
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Click ‘Edit Queries…’ to create the report.
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Query/Filter Name:’ At the top of the window, name your report.
‘QueryName:’ Coincides and self populates with the ‘Query/Filter Name.’
‘TableName:‘ This is where the information will pull from in TrialWorks.
‘FieldName:’ Choose the fields from the drop-down.
‘Condition:’ Click on ‘SHOW’ for the field to appear on the report.
‘Value:’  Choose ‘2’ for your open cases.
Close the door after filling in the fields.
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Select the ‘Query/Filter Name’ you just created.
Select the Export Format to Excel.
Click the ‘Export’ button.
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Review the data then save the Excel report to your desktop.
Open Microsoft Word to begin the Mail Merge.
Click ‘Mailings’ from the File Ribbon in Microsoft Word.
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Click ‘Start Mail Merge’ and select ‘Labels…’
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Choose your label information and click ‘OK.’
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Browse to the saved report on your desktop and click Open.
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Select ‘OK’ when prompted.
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Click ‘Address Block’ to format the labels.
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Select the formatting you wish to use and click ‘OK.’
Click ‘Match Fields’
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The first and last name will not pull from the report. Use the drop-down to add the first and last name and any other fields that have not matched.
Click ‘OK.’
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Click on ‘Update Labels.’ This will enter your merged fields on all labels.
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Select ‘Finish & Merge’ and then click ‘Edit Individual Documents.’
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Be sure to select ‘All’ and click ‘OK’ to create and populate your labels.
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Remember to load your label paper into the printer before sending them to print!
Have you missed any of the previous Tip of the Week entries? Catch up with these:
Week of 10/19: Using the Research Tab
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