Subscription Service in Dashboards
Obsessed with Dashboard’s? We are too! Now in 10.9, select a report to be delivered automatically to designated recipients. Choose a time and date and the report will automatically be delivered.
Start on the Home Ribbon and choose Dashboard.
Using the drop-down arrow choose the Dashboard then click Subscribe to this view.
Subscription Definition
- View: Name of Dashboard chosen for subscription
- Filters: Filter options are enabled with CaseID. Use filters to tailor the report for specified criteria.
- For example, All open cases with a liability of auto assigned to Joe
- Schedule: Choose date, time, frequency and range for subscription
- Subscription E-mail:
- Choose format: PDF, Word, or Excel attachment
- Recipient: E-mail addresses of recipients receiving specific Dashboard
- Subject: Pre-filled out subject line in E-mail
- Body: Pre-filled out body in E-mail
- Test Subscription: Allows to test the subscription and preview the e-mail with
- Choose Save when complete.
Once a subscription is saved an E-mail will automatically be created which will include the Dashboard as an attachment sent automatically within the given time frame. Set up your subscriptions and finally reach report deadlines without breaking a sweat!
**Outlook 2007 and above is necessary to use this feature and requires SMTP account setup**
If you’re interested in learning about Subscription Service in Dashboards in TrialWorks, contact Training at 800-377- 5844 option #2.