De-Clutter Your TrialWorks Today View!

In TrialWorks Tips by trialworks

TrialWorks defines docket items into two categories: First, APPOINTMENTS, which have a date and time associated with them; and Second, TASKS, which are “to do” items with deadlines. TrialWorks Today presents these items as follows:

position 4

However, sometimes, even the TrialWorks Today view seems cluttered! What could be the cause? Lack of filters applied in the settings:

Docket- TrialWorks Today Settings with highlights - Copy-44664

Another potential cause could be UN-USED COMPLETED BOXES:

TrialWorks Today - Docket tab with highlights - Copy-44664

TrialWorks Today with highlights - Copy-44664

When everything seems to be overdue, and your calendar seems a mess, check to see whether the COMPLETED checkbox is being marked as tasks or appointments are being completed.

Here are a few HINTS to help you stay organized:

  1. When an appointment (court hearing, deposition or meeting) is accomplished, mark the item COMPLETED.
  2. When a task (preparation for trial, request for medical records, or draft pleading) is accomplished, mark the item COMPLETED.
  3. Open TrialWorks Today every morning to review your calendar and activities list, and make sure that it is current.

If you’re interested in learning more about cleaning up a cluttered TrialWorks Today view or organizing your Docket Tab, please contact Training at 800-377-5844 option #1.

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