De-Clutter Your TrialWorks Today View!
TrialWorks defines docket items into two categories: First, APPOINTMENTS, which have a date and time associated with them; and Second, TASKS, which are “to do” items with deadlines. TrialWorks Today presents these items as follows:
However, sometimes, even the TrialWorks Today view seems cluttered! What could be the cause? Lack of filters applied in the settings:
Another potential cause could be UN-USED COMPLETED BOXES:
When everything seems to be overdue, and your calendar seems a mess, check to see whether the COMPLETED checkbox is being marked as tasks or appointments are being completed.
Here are a few HINTS to help you stay organized:
- When an appointment (court hearing, deposition or meeting) is accomplished, mark the item COMPLETED.
- When a task (preparation for trial, request for medical records, or draft pleading) is accomplished, mark the item COMPLETED.
- Open TrialWorks Today every morning to review your calendar and activities list, and make sure that it is current.
If you’re interested in learning more about cleaning up a cluttered TrialWorks Today view or organizing your Docket Tab, please contact Training at 800-377-5844 option #1.
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