Case Name too Long? Use the Alias Field.

In TrialWorks Tips by trialworks

Sometimes Case Names are excessively long, resulting in cut-off names on Case Reports and Email Subject Lines.  For example, the Case Name field populated with “PIP Case – Brown, Melissa, on behalf of Orthopedic Associates v. Insurance Company” appears cut off on the Case Info Tab.

Here is how it shows on the Dashboard and on the Email

Instead of cumbersome, lengthy fields, the Firm has an option to use the Alias Field on the Case Info Tab to give the case a shorter, more user-friendly Case Name.

Using an Alias Case Name will enable users to have the Case Name appear in an email Subject Line or Case Report, without being cut- off.

Follow the 2 steps below to apply this feature:

  1. Go to Global Settings and  select Use Case Name Alias for Outlook Items;

Email Subject Lines will now populate with the shorter Alias Case Name

2. Select a Dashboard that includes the Case Name Alias field.

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