Creating A Docket Reminder From A Document
Need a reminder to answer a complaint in 20 days?
Only 10 days left to file a pleading?
Create a Docket reminder from a document!
Click on the Documents Tab
To create a docket entry based on a document, select the document’s line item.
Click the TW Docket Icon from the Button Bar.
Fill in the fields to complete add Docket entry. The description will be automatically populated from the name of your document.
Click ‘Yes’ to add the entry to the Outlook Calendar.
The TW Docket Icon will appear on tabs where Documents can be saved in TrialWorks.
Look for the TW Docket Icon along the bottom of the following tabs:
This is the complete list of document tabs in TrialWorks and if you are missing some, contact your TrialWorks Administrator to add or remove tabs
via the Global Settings.
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