Using Docket Items in TrialWorks

In TrialWorks Tips by trialworks

Last week we touched on the benefits of applying a FastTrack to cases.

Today, let’s take a look at the different places we can create, edit and complete those docketed items.

(1) Create a new docket entry by clicking the Docket Icon:


Click Home.


Click the Docket icon.


The Add a Tickler window will default to the current case; however, you can change to a different case by selecting the case from the dropdown.

Fill in the appropriate fields for the entry and click ‘Add Tickler’


If applicable, add the entry to your Outlook calendar by selecting ‘Yes.’

This entry will now appear on the Docket Tab.

(2) Creating and marking an item complete from the Docket Tab:


Click the Docket tab.


On the bottom of the Docket Tab screen, click the Yellow Plus Sign Button to create a new docket entry.


Different from the last method, an entry created directly from the Docket Tab will default to the current case with no ability to select a different case.

Fill in the appropriate fields and click ‘Add Tickler’


Add the entry to your calendar by clicking ‘Yes.’

This entry will now appear on the Docket Tab.

(3) As a sneak peek – a new feature of TrialWorks Version 10.9, expected to release in early March, allows a user to create a docket item directly from Outlook!


Click to view the Calendar in Outlook


Click to add a ‘New Appointment’ from the Home Ribbon.


Fill in the appropriate fields, and similar to filing an inbox email, click to
‘File Appointment to TrialWorks.’


Add the Case Name and Category and then click ‘File to TrialWorks.’

The entry will now appear on the Docket Tab of the case.

Remember, this feature will be new in Version 10.9. Keep an eye out for an upgrade email next month!


To edit an entry; from the Docket Tab, double click on the entry ‘Description’ to re-open the Docket Detail Window.


Make any necessary changes, then click and close the door to exit.


Mark an item completed by also double clicking on the entry’s ‘Description,’ and re-opening the
Docket Detail Window.


Check the box to indicate the entry was ‘Completed,’ then click and close the door to exit.

The date will automatically populate to show when it was completed.


Have you missed any of the previous Tip of the Week entries?

Catch up with these:

Using TrialWorks FastTracks

FileIt Error & Office Save As Feature

Setting Case List Filters