Contact Types – Understanding Global vs. Case Specific

In TrialWorks Tips by trialworks

Contact Types are used to categorize contact records in TrialWorks, because a person can have different roles in different cases. When a new contact record is first created, the Contact Type selected becomes the global type for that record.

Global Type:

The global type means that this is the contact’s main identification. “Who is this person?” In the picture below, we see the checkbox checked for attorney because Joe B. Lawyer is an attorney. This is Joe’s global type.

Case Management Software - Full Screen - Contact - Address Book - Contact Detail - Attorney Global with highlights-45734

Full Screen - Contact - Address Book - Contact Detail - Attorney Global with highlights and cropped-45734

Case Specific Type:

Generally speaking, most contacts have just one global contact type. However, because a contact may have multiple roles in a case, TrialWorks also provides for the ability to distinguish between a global and case specific type for each contact record.

You can modify a Contact Type to reflect one or multiple roles in a particular case by selecting from the dropdown and adding the new contact type(s) to the Contact Detail. For this new, case specific type, however, you would NOT check the global box setting. Opening a contact record within a case shows fields shaded gray in the Contact Detail window. Shaded fields show case specific details including the new case contact types.

Full Screen - Contacts-45734

What Information Will The Contacts Tab List Reflect?

The Case Specific Contact Types for each Contact Record will show in two ways:

The first contact type entered shows in the list.  

Below, in the contacts preview, the lower righthand corner reveals all of the contact types that contact has for this particular case only.

See picture below to demonstrate:

Full Screen - Contact - Global and Case Specific with highlights v2-45734

Notice the subtle distinctions between the Contact Detail from the Address Book (above) versus the Contact Detail from the Case Specific entry (below):

Full Screen - Contact - Contact Detail - Case Specific with highlights-45734

Helpful Hints:

  1. When identifying a Contact’s Global identification, there should be only one. Remember, a doctor, is a doctor, is a doctor. Whether the doctor is a treating physician, an expert witness, or an adverse party, the global contact type is still doctor.
  2. If you never make a change to a contact’s Contact Type, you will always see the global type.
  3. Once you designate a case specific type to a contact record, the global type disappears and you’ll only view the case specific type.  Remember, this is the critical role for that case.

If you’re interested in learning more about using Contact Types within TrialWorks, please contact Training at 800-377-5844 option #1.

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