Case Summary Tab

In TrialWorks Tips by trialworks

The a-May-zing Case Summary Tab!

Summary Tab

Did you know that the Case Summary Tab pulls data from other screens in TrialWorks and displays some amazing information about your case on one screen?

Looking for information about your client’s injuries? Here it is:

Case Summary Tab - Client injuries-44077

Looking for information about the case facts? Here it is:

Case Summary Tab - Case Facts-44077

Looking for information about insurance coverage? Here it is:

Case Summary Tab - Insurance coverage-44077

Looking for information about the status of the case? Here it is:

Case Summary Tab - Case Status-44077

Looking for information about the negotiations history? Here it is:

Case Summary Tab - Negotiation History-44077

One Tab.  Lots of information.

Click on the Case Summary Tab to view:

  • Important information about your case; and
  • Important information missing from your case!


If you’re interested in learning more about the Summary Tab in TrialWorks, contact Training at 800-377-5844 option #1.

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